Overdue Books is a group bookblog inspired by .:|a year of reading|:.
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Our rating system:
* Run away! Don't even bother.
** Eh! Got through it but wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
*** Could take it or leave it. Not a re-read book.
**** Fun. Would recommend it. Good book.
***** Put this right on the favorite books shelf. A definite re-read.
(You can search the reviews by rating down below in the sidebar. We are currently working on going back and sorting by ratings so bear with us. Thanks.)
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Book Mooch-- Get 'em. Read 'em. Mooch 'em.

Feel free to comment and join in the discussion. If you are interested in writing reviews or have a bookblog that you would like us to link to please email me
Our rating system:
* Run away! Don't even bother.
** Eh! Got through it but wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
*** Could take it or leave it. Not a re-read book.
**** Fun. Would recommend it. Good book.
***** Put this right on the favorite books shelf. A definite re-read.
(You can search the reviews by rating down below in the sidebar. We are currently working on going back and sorting by ratings so bear with us. Thanks.)
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Book Mooch-- Get 'em. Read 'em. Mooch 'em.

mom of 2 active boys, full-time student, mets fan, musician, compulsive book buyer, reader, sometimes writer, ya gotta believe, JHTP and tivoholic
Current Book Mooch Inventory
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Sarah: A Novel - Marek Halter
reviews pending:
next on the stack:
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Current Book Mooch Inventory
Haven't tried BookMooch yet? Hurry on over and sign up!
Sarah: A Novel - Marek Halter
reviews pending:
next on the stack:
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
ug (you knew i couldn't resist!), mom, student again, scary blood taker (ew!), fencer, crazy person, ornithologist blue frog hollow
When Christ and All His Saints Slept, Sharon K Penman Next up: -
Time and Chance, Sharon K Penman -
When Christ and All His Saints Slept, Sharon K Penman Next up: -
Time and Chance, Sharon K Penman -
mom, crazy bird stalker, fun, bonbon conneisseur, usually stressed out! the view from my window
The House of Sand and Fog -
Losing Julia -
The House of Sand and Fog -
Losing Julia -
In Repair
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And yet another "one more try" entry
The House at Riverton: A Novel by Kate Morton
Naked Heat by Richard Castle
Earth (The Book) by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Ford County Stories by John Grisham
The Underground Baseball Encyclopedia by Robert Schnakenberg
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti by Giulia Melucci

Resumes |